Signs, Synchronicities, and Spirits

July 10, 2024

In this episode, we talk about what psychic mediumship is, why people look for help, its benefits, and how this spiritual guidance can help you reconnect with yourself with a special guest, Lea Morgan.

“Signs, Synchronicities, and Spirits” constitute the fascinating world of psychic mediumship, where the unseen realms intersect with our everyday lives. Recognizing signs and synchronicities can reveal the presence and guidance of spirits, providing insights and connections. A psychic medium plays a crucial role in opening a door to the spirit world, delivering messages, validation, comfort, and direction from the deceased. By interpreting these spiritual markers, psychic mediumship can help you gain a deeper understanding of your own life paths and offer solace and a sense of interconnectedness that guides you toward a more harmonious and spiritually attuned existence.

In this episode, we talk about what psychic mediumship is, why people look for help, its benefits, and how this spiritual guidance can help you reconnect with yourself with a special guest, Lea Morgan. Lea is a psychic medium offering mediumship and intuitive guidance readings. After a career in advertising and interior design, Lea couldn’t shake the pull to open up to and understand her intuitive gifts fully. Her story is one that shows how spirit can guide you throughout your life by providing the opportunities and experiences needed to hone your skills and ultimately be of service to others. 

All of her offerings are intended to provide her clients with healing, connection, faith, peace, love, and hope. Lee also hopes to normalize the perception of psychic work by sharing her own journey openly through workshops, interviews, and information on her website. 

Tune in!

What You Will Learn:

  • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest today, Lea Morgan
  • [04:31] What is psychic mediumship, and why people reach out to Lea   
  • [06:10] Spirit guides and why it’s important to have open lines of communication 
  • [09:29] When Lea realized her special ability to communicate with spirits
  • [16:20] What inspired Lea to go into psychic mediumship fulltime
  • [17:36] How people interpret and interact with Lea’s work
  • [21:28] Spirituality and believing that you are not alone
  • [23:05] How Lea’s clients heal from communicating with the dead
  • [27:47] How Lea opens a window to bring comfort during grief
  • [29:13] Ways psychic mediumship can help navigate life situations 
  • [30:56] How spiritual conversations help people connect with themselves 
  • [33:27] Ways to be more receptive and attune with your intuition 
  • [36:21] Wrap up and end of the show

Standout Quotes:

  • “If we all got into a room and shared what we’re challenged with, everyone would feel like they had a group of people who immediately understood them.” [18:42]
  • “We’re all connected, we’re all going through the same thing called being human, we all have very similar challenges, fears, hopes and wishes.” [19:07]
  • “Spirituality and believing something bigger than yourself can be so comforting and go a long way, making us feel less alone.” [21:04]
  • “Create pockets of space in your life where you can hear a pin drop because that is the subtlety with which information comes to us, and it can be a thought, feeling, or physical sensation.” [33:58]
  • “We don’t want to belittle our logical brain it’s important, but we do want to loosen its strangle on our life by showing it evidence that our intuitive brain can be part of the party; where they happily coexist and help each other.” [35:46]

Let’s Connect

Chandler Stroud

Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

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