At the heart of our mission is empowering busy women – both stay-at-home and professional – to unlock more joy and a better life using a diverse set of unconventional approaches that reconnect them with their past, present, and future selves.

Are You A Busy, Successful Woman Who Feels Stuck?

Do you ever feel like you’re just coping with daily life instead of truly thriving? You’re not alone. Many high-achieving women like you struggle with physical ailments, anxiety, and a general lack of fulfillment despite living the life they used to dream about.

The Healing Heroes can help.

Our show features a board of inspiring expert practitioners and advisors, all with unique perspectives on healing, and are here to share their wisdom and guidance with you.

Healing The Past


Many of us carry subconscious burdens from past experiences – emotional wounds that continue to impact our well-being in the present. The Healing Heroes will introduce you to a variety of modalities designed to help you release those subconscious hurts and move forward with a lighter heart.

You’ll learn about powerful tools like EMDR therapy, MFR, and acupuncture to fully process past wounds cognitively, biologically, and spiritually. Traumas, both big and small, can get trapped in our bodies and if unprocessed may cause physical pain, not just emotional distress. A few common symptoms may include inflammation, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, exhaustion, musculoskeletal complaints, respiratory issues, and more.*

Finding Peace In The Present


Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the pressures of daily life is a common challenge for high-achievers and busy moms alike. The Healing Heroes will equip you with powerful tools for attaining a higher sense of self allowing you to ground yourself in the present, find inner peace, and commit to self-care.

We’ll explore unexpected approaches to know yourself more intimately, including Astrology, Tarot, and Human Design, coupled with mindfulness practices like meditation and breathwork that can help you reduce anxiety, cultivate focus, and reconnect with your inner calm.

Building A Brighter Future


Healing isn’t just about addressing the past and finding peace in the present. You must also cultivate a vision for your future, a life that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.

The Healing Heroes will introduce you to methods that help you create a roadmap for achieving your biggest dreams and accessing new levels of fulfillment.  Tools like mindset coaching, energy healing, and psychic mediumship will help you tap into your intuition and improve self-worth so you can feel more fulfilled in this lifetime.

Ready To Start Your Healing Journey?

Start your healing journey today

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