Process Your Past for Peace in the Present with EMDR

July 10, 2024

In this episode, we talk about EMDR and how it can help you process past traumatic events, remove obstacles, and reclaim your healing with Jen Baumgold.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapeutic approach designed to help process past traumatic events. Developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s, EMDR involves recalling distressing experiences while simultaneously undergoing bilateral stimulation, such as guided eye movements, tapping, or auditory tones. This dual attention process helps to desensitize and reprocess the traumatic memory, transforming it from a vivid, emotionally charged recollection to a more neutral and manageable story. EMDR is grounded in the concept that trauma disrupts the brain’s natural information processing, and by re-engaging this process, we can achieve significant emotional and psychological healing. 

In this episode, we talk about EMDR and how it can help you process past traumatic events, remove obstacles, and reclaim your healing with Jen Baumgold. Jen is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist who specializes in trauma treatment. She is certified in EMDR and works with clients to help untangle the knots of trauma while finding a path toward healing and resilience. After graduating with her master’s in social work, Jen began her career at the New York Fire Department counseling service unit, where she worked until 2016. During her time there, she provided crucial mental health support to FDYN members and their families. 

In addition to her private practice, Jen is an active member of the Fair Field Trauma Response team, a volunteer alliance of mental health professionals committed to aiding first responders and the local communities in healing from trauma, tragedy, and stress. 

Tune in!

What You Will Learn:

  • [00:01] Intro and a bit about our guest today, Jen Baumgold
  • [06:22] What psychotherapy is and the work that Jen does
  • [08:02] EMDR and why people reach out to Jen for this sort of treatment 
  • [10:23] How EMDR works in practice
  • [14:49] How Jen creates the bilateral stimulations in EMDR sessions 
  • [17:01] Indicators of trauma and where EMDR can help 
  • [20:12] How EMDR has helped Jen’s patients and why it’s effective  
  • [22:04] How Jen’s work at the New York Fire Department led her to EMDR
  • [24:25] Signature elements of an EMDR session 
  • [28:50] The most surprising thing Jen has seen in her journey healing others 
  • [30:06] How EMDR helps people reconnect with themselves on a deeper level
  • [35:13] How trauma can be passed from parents to children
  • [37:04] Common Fears about EMDR and Why Give it a Try
  • [42:26] Resources Jen recommends for EMDR 
  • [43:33] Wrap up and end of the show

Standout Quotes:

  • “EMDR helps to reprocess trauma and come to a more adaptive believe about ourselves.” [10:13]
  • “EMDR makes the trauma a memory and not the sensory for body experience.” [14:28]
  • “You know how to be safe; you know how to feel whole; you just have to remind your nervous system how to feel that, and you can do it on your own.” [24:48]
  • “Trauma disconnects us from ourselves, creates faulty believes, impacts our ability to trust our judgement and intuition, but healing creates a bigger connection to oneself.” [30:06]
  • “You cannot be happy in your present and future if you are carrying significant baggage from your past.” [38:36]

Resources Mentioned

The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk:

Let’s Connect

Jennifer Baumgold


Chandler Stroud

Mixing, editing and show notes provided by Next Day Podcast.

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